Unlimited mobile Internet on the beach from Orange. View list of resorts Romania

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Orange Romania’s largest telecom operator in the local market, offers subscribers starting in July to the end of August, unlimited mobile Internet Costinesti beaches, Eforie North, South Eforie, Mamaia and Vama Veche if they activate one of the options MySmartphone or Net.

Subscribers must activate an option MySmartphone 5, 10 or MySmartphone MySmartphone 15 for 12 or 24 months of any of options Net News Net Mail Net Friends, Go Net, Net Run, Fly Net for 12 or 24 months and Net Summer for three months.

Unlimited internet offer covers all areas of those beach towns, and Internet connection speed will be up to 43.2 Mbps Dual Carrier through technology.

For those who want to enjoy mobile Internet throughout the summer, Orange launched Summer Net option, valid for three months. It can be activated until August 31 by sending a free SMS to 321 with the text „summer”.

Summer Net cost 12 euros, VAT included, and is available during the summer, addressed solely to Orange customers. It offers 3 GB Internet (national traffic) for 3 months, each 1GB available every month, and unlimited internet on the beach in the aforesaid. In addition, customers will be notified by SMS when approaching traffic limit included. If 1GB/luna limit will be exceeded, the surcharge will be automatically euro/50MB 0.50.

„Net Summer Option is designed especially for this time of year, the mobile Internet is important because it provides quick access to maps, information about tourist areas, the weather forecast or e-mail and social networks,” said Vanina Ungureanu , business division manager of Orange Romania.

In turn, Vodafone Romania offers free Internet access on the beach. Thus, starting in July, the Romanians have Wi-Fi terminals can access the internet for free, regardless of which mobile network the customer, the ten areas of Mamaia beach and four of Costinesti.

Whether the mobile phone network they subscribe, Wi-Fi users can can test for free and unlimited internet offer by Vodafone, in the following areas: in Mamaia on the beaches of the Casino – the foot gondola lift in the Hotel Savoy, in Junona hotel area, the beach Vega, in the park Aqua Magic, in the Neptune Hotel, the hotel Sulina and Ovid before Flora hotels – near the bridge, in the Melody and the North House.

In Costinesti service is available in the Obelisk, Ten Flags, Pizzeria in front of Albert and Youth Club.
Source: www.dailybusiness.ro
Internet mobil nelimitat pe plaja pentru abonatii Orange. Vezi lista statiuni

Orange Romania, cel mai mare operator de telecomunicatii de pe piata locala, ofera abonatilor, incepand din iulie si pana la finalul lui august, acces nelimitat la Internet mobil pe plajele din Costinesti, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Mamaia si Vama Veche daca isi activeaza una dintre optiunile MySmartphone sau Net.

Abonatii trebuie sa activeze una dintre optiunile MySmartphone 5, MySmartphone 10 sau MySmartphone 15 pentru 12 sau 24 de luni sau oricare dintre optiunile Net News, Net Mail, Net Friends, Net Go, Net Run, Net Fly pentru 12 sau 24 de luni si Net Summer pentru 3 luni.

Oferta de internet nelimitat acopera toate zonele de plaja ale respectivelor localitati, iar viteza de conectare la internet va fi de pana la 43,2 Mbps, prin intermediul tehnologiei Dual Carrier.

Pentru cei care doresc sa beneficieze de internet pe mobil pe toata durata verii, Orange a lansat optiunea Net Summer, valabila pentru 3 luni. Ea poate fi activata pana pe 31 august prin trimiterea unui SMS gratuit la 321 cu textul „summer”.

Net Summer costa 12 euro, TVA inclus, si este valabila pe durata verii, adresandu-se exclusiv abonatilor Orange. Ea ofera 3 GB de internet (trafic national) pentru 3 luni, cate 1GB disponibil in fiecare luna, si internet nelimitat pe plaja in localitatile mentionate. In plus, clientii vor fi anuntati printr-un SMS cand se apropie de limita traficului inclus. In cazul in care va fi depasita limita de 1GB/luna, tariful suplimentar va fi automat de 0,50 euro/50MB.

„Optiunea Net Summer este gandita special pentru aceasta perioada a anului, in care internetul pe mobil este important deoarece ofera acces rapid la harti, la informatii despre zone turistice, la prognoza meteo sau la e-mail si retele sociale”, a declarat Vanina Ungureanu, business division manager in cadrul Orange Romania.

La randul sau, Vodafone Romania ofera acces gratuit la Internet pe litoral. Astfel, incepand din luna iulie, romanii care dispun de terminale cu conectivitate Wi-Fi pot accesa gratuit internetul, indiferent de reteaua mobila la care sunt clienti, pe zece zone de plaja din Mamaia si patru din Costinesti.

Indiferent de reteaua de telefonie mobile la care sunt abonati, utilizatorii de  Wi-Fi pot pot testa gratuit si nelimitat, internetul oferit de Vodafone, in urmatoarele zone:  in Mamaia pe plajele din zona Casino – la piciorul telegondolei, in fata hotelului Savoy, in zona hotelului Junona, pe plaja Vega, in interiorul parcului Aqua Magic, in zona hotelului Neptun, a hotelului Sulina, in fata hotelurilor Flora si Ovidiu – langa pasarela, in zona Melody si zona Camping Nord.

In Costinesti serviciul este disponibil in in zona Obelisc, Zece Steaguri, Pizzeria Albert si in fata clubului Tineretului.
Sursa: www.dailybusiness.ro


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